Sunday, May 17, 2009

Typical Scenes Along the South West Coast Path

When there are gates on the path, they are secured and we always locked them again behind us. If they can be pushed open, they will be - by curious cows or hungry sheep.

Part of an inland footpath through farm fields - note the wool along fence from the sheep.

Torpedo Buoys are situated all along the coast. This one is on a benign-looking beach, but some are on cliffs and that's sobering. Locals tell us that there are always rescues and usually there is a death or three every year from hikers falling off the cliffs.

Sand dunes walking into Padstow.

Padstow is a quaint village that used to be strictly a fishing village but has turned into a big tourist destination. They say it is because of a famous English chef - Rick Stein - who decided to locate several restaurants here, buy up some of the old and decrepit buildings and re-do them to a very high standard as rentals, and do some heavy marketing.
Locals don't seem to mind as it is a fairly high rent district so it's a clean and neat as a pin town.
The side streets and lanes remind me of Alexandria, VA (though a bit more pastel.)
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